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Bridget had worked as a Poll Manager for nearly 9 years. After witnessing the lack (none) of security of the Election warehouse while working as a Poll Tech prior to the 2020 Election, Bridget notified the Secretary of State Investigator, J. Todd Merrifield. (Nothing) She notified her Fulton Elections Supervisor and her 3 Supervisors (Nothing). She tried to alert the State Elections Board which was headed by SOS Raffensberger and she was MUTED. She testified at a the Senate Hearing and she was FIRED by Elections Director Richard Barron. He then went on and slandered her in the news by saying he didn't listen to the hearing. He fired her for something else prior, during or after. (Prior to the election, Bridget was asked to be a Poll Trainer. They begged her to work the December 3rd run-off (John Lewis seat). Barron's comments make no sense.

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